

  1. Log types
    1. Operation Log
    2. Validation Log
  2. Configuration
    1. Enabled
    2. Output
    3. Level
    4. Color output
    5. File name format
    6. Facility
    7. Tag

Log types

Fort has two different types of log messages: Operation logs and Validation logs.

They will be described below.

Operation Log

Operation logs are of likely interest to the operator running Fort; Issues reported here require human intervention. These include

Type INFO example WARNING example ERROR example
Configuration logs “And now I’m going to echo my configuration, in case you want to review it.” “This configuration argument is deprecated.” “Bad file syntax.”
RTR Server logs “Accepted connection from client.” “Huh? Peer is not speaking the RTR protocol.” “Cannot bind to address.”
Out of memory errors - - “Out of memory.”
Read/write errors on local files - “The SLURM directory seems to lack SLURM files.” “I don’t have permissions to access the repository cache.”
Start and end of a validation cycle “Validation cycle ended. I got R ROAs, K router keys, my new serial is S, and it took T seconds.” - -
Programming errors - - “Array size is 1, but array is NULL.”

Validation Log

These are messages generated during the RPKI validation cycle, and refer specifically to quirks found in the RPKI objects. (ie. Certificates, CRLs, ROAs, etc.)

These are likely more meaningful to repository administrators, for the sake of reviewing their objects.

They are disabled by default.

Type WARNING example ERROR example
Validation eventualities “Maximum retries reached; skipping object.” “Certificate is expired.”
Incidences “Manifest is stale.” “Manifest is stale.”

(Most informational validation messages have DEBUG priority. Incidence severity is configurable.)


Both type of logs share a set of configuration arguments, each one of them applying to the corresponding log type.

The operation log arguments are those that have the prefix log., while the validation log arguments begin with validation-log.. The next suffixes can be added to configure each log type:

For instance, to enable the “validation log”, the argument --validation-log.enabled should be used (prefix: validation-log., suffix: enabled).

The following sub-sections describe how each argument works.


Sets whether the corresponding log type is printed or suppressed. When false, the rest of the corresponding log type’s arguments are ignored.


Either syslog or console. The former sends the output to the environment’s syslog server (using the configured *.facility), while the latter employs the standard streams. (DEBUG and INFO are sent to standard output, WARNING and ERROR to standard error.)

During the brief period in which configuration has not been completely parsed yet (and therefore, the validator is not yet aware of the desired log output), the standard streams and syslog are used simultaneously.


Only messages of equal or higher priority than *.level will be logged. For example, --log.level=warning will discard DEBUG and INFO operation messages, and log WARNING and ERROR.

The available values are

  • error: A failure that can stop an internal task (e.g. a certificate has expired so the childs are discarded) or is definitely an operational problem (e.g. no more memory can be allocated). Also detected programming errors.
  • warning: Something suspicious, but not a stopper for a task.
  • info: Inoffensive messages that might be of interest to the administrator.
  • debug: Information deemed useful to the developer.


Color output

Causes the output to contain ASCII color codes. Meant for human consumption. Only applies when output is console.

Each color depends on the message’s priority:

  • error: RED (Critical errors are CYAN)
  • warning: ORANGE
  • info: LIGHT GRAY
  • debug: CYAN


$ fort --log.color-output --validation-log.color-output (...)
DBG: Manifest '62gPOPXWxxu0sQa4vQZYUBLaMbY.mft' {
INF: Configuration {
WRN: H2jRmyC2M.mft: The signature algorithm has parameters.
ERR: H2jRmyC2M.mft: Certificate validation failed: certificate has expired
CRT: Programming error: Array size is 1 but array is NULL.

The arguments of each log type are:

File name format

Decides which version of file names should be printed during most debug/error messages. It can have the values:

  • global-url: Prints the global name of the file; the URL that can be used to download it (always starts with rsync:// or https://).
  • local-path: Prints a path that points to the local cached version of the file (always starts with --local-repository’s value).
  • file-name: Strips prefixes, leaving only the base name of the file (including extension).

Suppose a certificate was downloaded from rsync://rpki.example.com/foo/bar/baz.cer into the local cache repository/:

  • global-url: Will print the certificate’s name as rsync://rpki.example.com/foo/bar/baz.cer.
  • local-path: Will print the certificate’s name as repository/rpki.example.com/foo/bar/baz.cer.
  • file-name: Will print the certificate’s name as baz.cer.
$ fort --validation-log.file-name-format=global-url --local-repository=repository/ (...)
ERR: rsync://rpki.example.com/foo/bar/baz.cer: Certificate validation failed: certificate has expired

$ fort --validation-log.file-name-format=local-path --local-repository=repository/ (...)
ERR: repository/rpki.example.com/foo/bar/baz.cer: Certificate validation failed: certificate has expired

$ fort --validation-log.file-name-format=file-name  --local-repository=repository/ (...)
ERR: baz.cer: Certificate validation failed: certificate has expired

This flag affects any of the log output configured at *.output (syslog and console).

The arguments of each log type are:


Sets the syslog facility; only meaningful when *.output is syslog.

The available facilites are

auth daemon mail uucp local2 local5
authpriv ftp news local0 local3 local6
cron lpr user local1 local4 local7


Text tag that will be added to each message of the corresponding log type. The tag will be added after the message level, inside square brackets.

It’s a simple means to differentiate each message according to its type, useful if both log types are enabled, and are printing to the same *.output.


$ fort --log.tag="!Operation!" --validation-log.tag="!Validation!" (...)
ERR [!Operation!]: Invalid rsync.enabled: 'tr0ue', must be boolean (true|false)
ERR [!Validation!]: rsync://rpki.example.com/foo/bar/baz.cer: Certificate validation failed: certificate has expired