

fort --mode=print [--file-type=TYPE] [FILE]

Assuming FILE is a path to an RPKI object file (Certificate, CRL, ROA, Manifest or Ghostbusters), the command will convert it to JSON and print it in standard output:

$ curl -O
$ fort --mode=print rta-lacnic-rpki.cer
    "tbsCertificate": {
        "version": 2,
        "serialNumber": "119535412AFEDFAEB97837B2E1E2EFF1E77B9AAB",
        "signature": "RSA-SHA256",
        "issuer": {
            "rdnSequence": [
                    "type": "commonName",
                    "value": "FC8A9CB3ED184E17D30EEA1E0FA7615CE4B1AF47"
        "validity": {
            "notBefore": "Mar  5 14:14:56 2024 GMT",
            "notAfter": "Mar  5 14:19:56 2124 GMT"
        "subject": {
            "rdnSequence": [
                    "type": "commonName",
                    "value": "FC8A9CB3ED184E17D30EEA1E0FA7615CE4B1AF47"
        "subjectPublicKeyInfo": {
            "algorithm": "rsaEncryption",
            "subjectPublicKey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAqZEzhYK0+PtDOPfub/KR\nc3MeWx3neXx4/wbnJWGbNAtbYqXg3uU5J4HFzPgk/VIppgSKAhlO0H60DRP48by9\ngr5/yDHu2KXhOmnMg46sYsUIpfgtBS9+VtrqWziJfb+pkGtuOWeTnj6zBmBNZKK+\n5AlMCW1WPhrylIcB+XSZx8tk9GS/3SMQ+YfMVwwAyYjsex14Uzto4GjONALE5oh1\nM3+glRQduD6vzSwOD+WahMbc9vCOTED+2McLHRKgNaQf0YJ9a1jG9oJIvDkKXEqd\nfqDRktwyoD74cV57bW3tBAexB7GglITbInyQAsmdngtfg2LUMrcROHHP86QPZINj\nDQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
        "issuerUniqueID": null,
        "subjectUniqueID": null,
        "extensions": [
                "extnID": "X509v3 Basic Constraints",
                "critical": true,
                "extnValue": {
                    "cA": true,
                    "pathLenConstraint": null
                "extnID": "X509v3 Subject Key Identifier",
                "critical": false,
                "extnValue": "fc8a9cb3ed184e17d30eea1e0fa7615ce4b1af47"
                "extnID": "X509v3 Key Usage",
                "critical": true,
                "extnValue": {
                    "digitalSignature": false,
                    "contentCommitment": false,
                    "keyEncipherment": false,
                    "dataEncipherment": false,
                    "keyAgreement": false,
                    "keyCertSign": true,
                    "cRLSign": true,
                    "encipherOnly": false,
                    "decipherOnly": false
                "extnID": "Subject Information Access",
                "critical": false,
                "extnValue": [
                        "accessMethod": "CA Repository",
                        "accessLocation": "rsync://"
                        "accessMethod": "RPKI Manifest (RFC 6487)",
                        "accessLocation": "rsync://"
                        "accessMethod": "RPKI Update Notification File (RFC 8182)",
                        "accessLocation": ""
                "extnID": "X509v3 Certificate Policies",
                "critical": true,
                "extnValue": [
                        "policyIdentifier": "Certificate Policy (CP) for the Resource PKI (RPKI)",
                        "policyQualifiers": null
                "extnID": "sbgp-ipAddrBlock",
                "critical": true,
                "extnValue": [
                        "addressFamily": "IPv4",
                        "ipAddressChoice": [
                        "addressFamily": "IPv6",
                        "ipAddressChoice": [
                "extnID": "sbgp-autonomousSysNum",
                "critical": true,
                "extnValue": {
                    "asnum": [
                            "min": "0",
                            "max": "FFFFFFFF"
                    "rdi": null
    "signatureAlgorithm": "sha256WithRSAEncryption",
    "signatureValue": "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"

If FILE is omitted or “-”, fort will receive the file through standard input. The command above is equivalent to

curl | fort --mode=print

RPKI files do not contain magic headers, so Fort infers their type by analyzing their internal ASN.1 structures. If you need to override this behavior, use --file-type:

# Skip file type guesser; assume the file is a ROA.
fort --mode=print --file-type=roa unknown.bin

--file-type can be either roa, mft (Manifest), gbr (Ghostbusters), cer (Certificate) or crl.

If the object you want to print is contained in an RRDP Snapshot or RRDP Delta, extract it by way of an XML querier and a base64 decoder. Say, for example, that you want to Jsonify the object rsync:// from this delta:

curl | # Download the file
	xmlstarlet sel -t -v '//_:publish[@uri="rsync://"]' | # Extract sample2.crl
	base64 --decode |	# Convert from base64 to raw
	fort --mode=print	# Ask Fort to Jsonify it

rsync does not appear to be able to pipe to standard output, so Fort will sync it internally if FILE is an rsync URL:

fort --mode=print rsync://

At the moment, this downloads the file to /tmp. Refactors associated with issue82 will (in a future release) allow Fort to download it into the regular cache.