Documentation > Other Sample Runs > Session Synchronization

Session Synchronization


  1. Introduction
  2. Sample Network
  3. Traffic Flow Explanation
    1. Session Synchronization Disabled
    2. Session Synchronization Enabled
  4. Architecture
  5. Basic Tutorial
    1. Jool Instance
    2. Daemon
    3. Load Balancer
    4. Testing
  6. Configuration
    1. jool global
    2. jool session


The fact that stock NAT64 is stateful makes redundancy difficult. You can’t simply configure two independent NAT64s and expect that one will serve as a backup for the other should the latter fall.

Well, you can in reality, but users will notice that they need to re-establish all their lasting connections during a failure since the new NAT64 needs to recreate all the dynamic mappings (and their sessions) that the old NAT64 lost.

Since version 3.5, Jool ships with a daemon that allows constant synchronization of sessions across Jool instances so you can work around this limitation. The purpose of this document is to explain and exemplify its usage.

Session Synchronization (hereby abbreviated as “SS”) applies to NAT64 Jool only. SIIT stores no state, and therefore scales horizontally without any special configuration.

Sample Network

Figure 1 - Sample Network

Nodes J, K and L will be Stateful NAT64s. Their configuration will be only slightly different, and any number of extra backup NAT64s can be appended by replicating similar configuration through additional nodes. You intend to have at least two of these.

2001:db8:ff08::/96 is a private network where the sessions will be advertised as the NAT64s serve traffic through their other interfaces. It can be IPv4, and is not strictly required to be separate.

Traffic Flow Explanation

First, let’s analyze what happens when you create multiple Jool instances but do not enable SS:

Session Synchronization Disabled

IPv6 node n6 will interact with IPv6 node n4 via J. As is natural of NAT64, and since the translation is from v6 to v4, J has all the information it needs to store a mapping (and a session) to service this connection:

Figure - SS disabled

During n4 and n6’s conversation, J dies. K then drops a packet written by n4 since it doesn’t have a mask for its destination address:

Figure - SS disabled - n4 sends

And n6 doesn’t fare much better either since K will compute a new mask, which risks not being the same J chose:

Figure - SS disabled - n6 sends

The problem lies in the NAT64s not sharing their databases. Let’s fix that:

Session Synchronization Enabled

Whenever J translates a packet, it generates another one: A multicast through the private network that informs anyone interested of the new connection:

Figure - SS multicast

When J dies, K has everything it needs to impersonate J and continue the conversation as uninterrupted as possible. Notice that measures might need to be taken to redirect traffic towards to its new owner:

Figure - SS K


Each machine hosting a NAT64 will also hold a daemon that will bridge SS traffic between the private network and its Jool instance. So the kernel modules will generate SS traffic and offset the delivery task to userspace:

Figure - joold

Why are the daemons necessary? because kernel modules cannot open IP sockets; at least not in a reliable and scalable manner.

Synchronizing sessions is all the daemons do; the traffic redirection part is delegated to other protocols. Keepalived is the implementation that takes care of this in the sample configuration below, but any other load balancer should also get the job done.

In this proposed/inauguratory implementation, SS traffic is distributed through an IPv4 or IPv6 unencrypted UDP connection. You might want to cast votes on the issue tracker or propose code if you favor some other solution. Only Active/Passive set-ups are supported.

It is also important to note that SS is relatively resource-intensive; its traffic is not only extra traffic, but it must also do two full U-turns to userspace before reaching its destination:

Figure - joold U-turns

To alleviate this to some extent, sessions are normally accumulated before being sent to the private network. Transmitting several sessions in one packet substantially reduces the overhead of SS.

Basic Tutorial

We will remove L from the setup since its configuration is very similar to K’s.


J K n6 n4
ip addr add 2001:db8::4/96 dev eth0
ip addr add dev eth1
ip addr add 2001:db8:ff08::4/96 dev eth2

ip addr add 2001:db8::1/96 dev eth0
ip addr add dev eth1

sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1

modprobe jool
# Notice that the instance name will default to "default" in this example.
jool instance add --netfilter --pool6 64:ff9b::/96
jool pool4 add --tcp 61001-65535
jool pool4 add --udp 61001-65535
jool pool4 add --icmp 0-65535
ip addr add 2001:db8::5/96 dev eth0
ip addr add dev eth1
ip addr add 2001:db8:ff08::5/96 dev eth2

sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1

modprobe jool
# Notice that the instance name will default to "default" in this example.
jool instance add --netfilter --pool6 64:ff9b::/96
jool pool4 add --tcp 61001-65535
jool pool4 add --udp 61001-65535
jool pool4 add --icmp 0-65535
ip addr add 2001:db8::8/96 dev eth0
ip route add 64:ff9b::/96 via 2001:db8::1
ip addr add dev eth0

This is generally usual boilerplate Jool mumbo jumbo. 2001:db8::4-5 and are J and K’s permanent addresses; 2001:db8::1 and are what Keepalived names “virtual addresses” – The address the active translator will claim, and through which traffic will be translated. You can have multiple of these.

It is important to note that every translator instance must have the same configuration as the other ones before SS is started. Make sure you’ve manually synchronized pool6, pool4, static BIB entries, the global variables and any other internal Jool configuration you might have.

The clocks don’t need to be synchronized.

Jool Instance

Because forking SS sessions on every translated packet is not free (performance-wise), jool instances are not SS-enabled by default. The fact that the module and the daemon are separate binaries enhances the importance of this fact; starting the daemon is not, by itself, enough to get sessions synchronized.

# jool global update ss-enabled true

This asks the instance to open a channel to userspace and start trading SS sessions.

This needs to be applied both in J and K.


jool -i "default" session proxy			\
	--net.mcast.addr ff08::db8:64:64	\
	--net.mcast.port 6464			\ eth2			\ eth2			\

J and K happen to use the same command in this setup.

A description of each field can be found here. For now, suffice to say that the nodes will send and receive SS traffic through multicast address ff08::db8:64:64 on port 6464. Each will exchange sessions with a Jool instance named default.

Please note that ff08::db8:64:64 is a documentation address and you should probably change it (along with the others) once you’re done experimenting.

Find any errors by querying syslog; you can probably do this by querying journalctl.

As far as Jool is concerned, that would be all. If J is translating traffic, you should see its sessions being mirrored in K:

user@K:~/# jool session display --icmp --numeric
Expires in 59 seconds
Remote:	2001:db8::8#5831
Local:	64:ff9b::c000:208#5831

Load Balancer

This is not a tutorial on Keepalived and I’m no guru, but I’ll try explaining the important stuff. You might want to build on top of this.

Download, compile and install Keepalived:

$ # Find the latest at
$ wget
$ tar -xzf keepalived*
$ cd keepalived*
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install

Create /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf and paste something like the following. See man 5 keepalived.conf for more information.

# Keepalived will monitor this action.
# The userspace application `jool` fails when the kernel module is not
# responding, so we will run it every two seconds to monitor its health.
# In reality, you might want to test more than this (such as the state
# of the interfaces and whatnot), but for the purposes of this tutorial
# this should be enough.
vrrp_script check_jool {
	script "jool"
	interval 2

vrrp_instance VI_1 {
	# The interface this VRRP instance belongs to.
	interface eth0
	# This is the address (or addresses) that will be claimed by the
	# interface if this is the active translator.
	virtual_ipaddress {

	# J is our main NAT64; start in the "MASTER" state.
	state MASTER
	# "200" is the largest priority in this experiment.
	# So this node gets to be the active NAT64 whenever it's alive.
	priority 200

	# This is just a random 0-255 id that must be the same for
	# all the Keepalived instances.
	virtual_router_id 64
	# Address VRRP will bind itself to.
	# I attach the server to the permanent address of the translating
	# interface because this way we also end up reacting to interface
	# failures for free.
	unicast_src_ip 2001:db8::4

	# Reference the monitor.
	track_script {

	# Special script to run when Keepalived enters the BACKUP state.
	# (ie. when this Jool is no longer the active one, but it's
	# still alive)
	notify_backup /etc/keepalived/

# Ok, now the IPv4 interface.
vrrp_instance VI_2 {
	interface eth1
	virtual_ipaddress {
	state MASTER
	priority 200
	virtual_router_id 46

	track_script {

	notify_backup /etc/keepalived/
# Keepalived will monitor this action.
# The userspace application `jool` fails when the kernel module is not
# responding, so we will run it every two seconds to monitor its health.
# In reality, you might want to test more than this (such as the state
# of the interfaces and whatnot), but for the purposes of this tutorial
# this should be enough.
vrrp_script check_jool {
	script "jool"
	interval 2

vrrp_instance VI_1 {
	# The interface this VRRP instance belongs to.
	interface eth0
	# This is the address (or addresses) that will be claimed by the
	# interface if this is the active translator.
	virtual_ipaddress {

	# K is our secondary NAT64; start in the "BACKUP" state.
	state BACKUP
	# Will only upgrade to master if this is the highest priority node that
	# is alive.
	priority 100

	# This is just a random 0-255 id that must be the same for
	# all the Keepalived instances.
	virtual_router_id 64
	# Address VRRP will bind itself to.
	# I attach the server to the permanent address of the translating
	# interface because this way we also end up reacting to interface
	# failures for free.
	unicast_src_ip 2001:db8::5

	# Reference the monitor.
	track_script {

	# Special script to run when Keepalived enters the BACKUP state.
	# (ie. when this Jool is no longer the active one, but it's
	# still alive)
	notify_backup /etc/keepalived/

# Ok, now the IPv4 interface.
vrrp_instance VI_2 {
	interface eth1
	virtual_ipaddress {
	state BACKUP
	priority 100
	virtual_router_id 46

	track_script {

	notify_backup /etc/keepalived/

This is /etc/keepalived/

jool session advertise

See advertise.

Start keepalived in both J and K:

# keepalived

You’re done.


Start an infinite ping from n6 to n4. These packets should be translated by J:

user@n6:~/$ ping6 64:ff9b::
PING 64:ff9b:: 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 64:ff9b::c000:208: icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=1.35 ms
64 bytes from 64:ff9b::c000:208: icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=2.65 ms
64 bytes from 64:ff9b::c000:208: icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=0.454 ms
64 bytes from 64:ff9b::c000:208: icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=1.22 ms

Watch the session being cascaded into K:

user@j:~/# jool session display --icmp --numeric
Expires in 59 seconds
Remote:	2001:db8::8#10713
Local:	64:ff9b::c000:208#10713
  (Fetched 1 entries.)
user@k:~/# jool session display --icmp --numeric
Expires in 59 seconds
Remote:	2001:db8::8#10713
Local:	64:ff9b::c000:208#10713
  (Fetched 1 entries.)

Then disable J somehow.

user@J:~/# modprobe -r jool

The ping should stop and resume after a small while. This while is mostly just n4 realizing that changed owner. Once that’s done, you should notice that K is impersonating J, using the same old session that J left hanging:

user@K:~/# jool session display --icmp --numeric
Expires in 59 seconds
Remote:	2001:db8::8#10713
Local:	64:ff9b::c000:208#10713
  (Fetched 1 entries.)

(You can tell because K did not have to create a new session to service the ping.)

Restart J. The ping should pause again and, after a while, J should claim control again (since it has more priority than K):

user@J:~/# modprobe jool \
		&& jool instance add --netfilter --pool6 64:ff9b::/96 \
		&& jool pool4 add tcp 61001-65535 \
		&& jool pool4 add udp 61001-65535 \
		&& jool pool4 add icmp 0-65535 \
		&& jool global update ss-enabled true \
		&& jool session proxy (...) &

Notice that you need to initialize J’s NAT64 in one go; otherwise the new instance will miss K’s advertise.

If you forget that for some reason, you can ask K to advertise its sessions again manually:

user@K:~/# jool session advertise

That’s all.


jool global

  1. ss-enabled
  2. ss-flush-deadline
  3. ss-capacity
  4. ss-max-sessions-per-packet

jool session

See the dedicated page.